If you don’t get this one, check out this video. Or if that video ends up getting removed (which seems be the usual fate of copyrighted material on youtube), just search for “Mr. Roboto”.

If you don’t get this one, check out this video. Or if that video ends up getting removed (which seems be the usual fate of copyrighted material on youtube), just search for “Mr. Roboto”.
uh ? the meaning of the robot’s comment escapes my understanding. Is that a “BSOD” message of some sort ?
This should explain it: [ link ]
Just found this today. I’ve been playing the commander keen games since they came out, and this just brings memories flooding back. Robo Red was really the scariest enemy ever.
no, the scariest enemy is dopefish. you move way slower, and you can’t pogo.
and as long as Dopefish lives, Commander Keen will also live.